Thursday, September 6, 2012


  Ok everyone, this is my first blog so bear with me. I actually haven't kept a journal since my senior year in high school so it might be a bumpy ride but it just might be worth it.

         Today's topic is opinions. Not only that but how to share these opinions appropriately or not at all. It's true what they say, "Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one." But that doesn't mean you have to show everyone just how big and stinky yours happens to be. My momma always told me, "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all." 

I've tried to live my life by this quote. I have always tried to be a good person and honestly would never think to say something intentionally that would hurt another person. Have feelings gotten hurt in the past by thoughtless words on accident? Sure, everyone makes mistakes, I am only human of course. But it shocks me how rude certain people can be when voicing their own opinion. And what gets me is that they think it's ok because they're older than me and they're "only trying to help." Ok, I get that. But is it really necessary to be so demeaning in the process? Yeh you're in your 50's so you've got your shit figured out. But keep in mind that my husband and I are only 23 and 24. There ARE times when we've only got $28 left in the checking account and a week to go before the next paycheck. But we've got our bills paid, our health, life, and renters insurance paid, money's been put in our 401 K, we've got a roof over our head and food in our bellies, and most important of all...we're very very happy with ourselves, each other, and our life at the end of the day. 

Does it really matter that we don't have the extra money to go out to the movies or go on a road trip? A lot of people our age are living back at home with their parents because they just can't afford to live on their own so I think we're doing pretty dang good.

The moral of the story is that just because you have an opinion does not mean that you have to voice it. And yeh, this is America so freedom of speech and all that bullcrap but it's not your right to be a douchbag that I'm talking about. It's called common decency and once upon a time we were all taught what it means. So instead of waving your douchbag flag like it's the mother of all that is good and holy try putting it down and show a little consideration for others. Because at the end of the day...when you're all alone, bored and lonely...and can't figure out why no one's answering your phone calls or coming to visit you...remember that if you were a little nicer to others then just maybe they would want to be around you instead of avoiding you at all costs.

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